Who We Are

Black Kid Art is a nonprofit organization created to increase Black visibility in the arts by outreach in the Black community.

I started Black Kid Art in order to promote visibility about art among Black youth and increase diversity. Until I came to college, I hadn’t really learned about Black artists or what Art History even was.

I want kids to learn about artists who look like them and expose them to different opportunities in the arts. I want to show Black kids and youth that if they are interested in the arts, that is something they should pursue. I am passionionate for increasing Art History education and making art more accessible. 

About the CEO

Alexandra Nelson is an Art History major and Spanish/Curatorial Studies minor at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. On campus, she is involved with the Spelman College Social Justice Program, the Blue Record Podcast, the AUC Art Collective, and Spelman College Student Ambassadors. Off campus, she serves as the CEO for Black Kid Art and as an ambassador for ActionCorps.